
Milestone number

Milestone title WP number Lead beneficiary Due Date

 Means of verification


ESR recruitment WP3 IUSS September 2018

Completion of ESR recruitment


Website WP2 URV January 2018

Project website on-line


Selection of the proper biomaterials for performing the NEUROSOME study WP5 JSI March 2018

Written proof of SOPs and workflows for cohort samples


Completion of the review on environmental and exposure monitoring techniques WP4 CSIC March 2018

Guidance document distributed to beneficiaries in WP4


Completion of the review on multimedia environmental and exposure modelling WP4 CSIC June 2018

Guidance document distributed to beneficiaries in WP4


Completion of the review on in vivo and in vitro testing relevant to NEUROSOME WP5 ISS June 2018

Guidance document distributed to beneficiaries in WP5, 6, 7


Completion of the high dimensional bioinformatics /in silico toxicology review WP6 AUTH June 2018

Guidance document distributed to beneficiaries in WP5, 6, 7


Completion of the review on genome- environment-wide health associations methods WP6 TP June 2018

Guidance document distributed to beneficiaries in WP6, 7


Completion of the methodology for environmental and exposure assessment WP4 CSIC March 2020

Completion of reports D4.1, D4.2, D4.3


Completion of the methodology for HBM including omics WP5 ISS March 2020

Completion of reports D5.1, D5.2, D5.3, D5.4, D5.5


Completion of the high dimensional bioinformatics and in silico toxicology methods development WP6 AUTH March 2020

Completion of reports D6.1, D6.2


Completion of the genome- environment-wide health associations studies methods development WP7 TP March 2020

Completion of reports D7.1, D7.2

MS13 Completion of the overall NEUROSOME methodology WP7 IUSS June 2021 Completion of reports D7.4
MS14 Project Check (meeting between REA and consortium) WP1 AUTH November 2018 Meeting between REA and consortium to check the project status